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Pillows by Prof. Palumbo

Pillows are vulcanites originated by submarine eruptions of magma that characterize our territory and that, in past, the Italian students called them "globular basalts". Today, they are famous like pillow or pillows-laves, that means pillows of magma; for the spherical shape that they have got.

Further that in the coast of the “Ciclopi”, these particular cliffs can be observed, frequently, even in the following localities:

- Iceland

- New Zealand

- Iblea Region

But the pillows of Acitrezza, in particular, they have been defined from foreign expert like the professor Scott Roland of the University of the Hawaii; the more characteristic and extraordinary shapes of the world of that particular vulcanite.
Pillows are made up by a fracture in the marine depth which magma comes up from. Seawater cools the magma that it goes up, making a vitreous black crust, that it will be broken off by the pressure of gases which are in the ascending fused mass.

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Mega pillow at north of the old port



Root of pillow at north of the old port

Mega pillow in “pietrazze”

Pillow with vitreous crust

The presence of water forms a vitreous stopper that will be broken by the strength of magma. This material comes up pushed by fused mass coming out from the fracture formed in marine depth. Arrived in surface, the magma crosses that breached material and thin fissures that the students have called "palagonite" and subsequently it forms various shapes of spheroids.
They are different in comparison with the volcano ones, they can have the same spherical shape because externally they are covered by a vitreous black crust and internally they introduce a radial structure due by contraction that the magma is subject during the cooling. Some kind of lava like the Hawaiian one calls Pahoehoe where is possible a bare-foot walking, they cannot be mistaken with pillows  because they do not have the vitreous covering and inside they do not have the characteristic radial structure.

The pillows they can be observed in the hill of Acicastello and in Acitrezza, at the north of the old port in two zones where they assume a particular conformation. They have been defined from experts, particularly elegant.

These ones of Acicastello are various from those ones of Acitrezza because they are more compact, while the Acitrezza's ones, the external covering is the part more resistant but it has been destroyed from the sea fury while the external root has been maintained intact after many thousands of years.
Around the pillows there is the presence of the depth marine clay which they are made of. It shows, surely, their submarine origin.

Copyright© 2000-2002 Grasso Giovanni - Antonio Guarnera. Tradotto da Mario Grasso. Translated by Mario Grasso. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. All rights reserved. Vietata la riproduzione anche parziale

Renewed: 04-02-02 .